Let you go


Sometimes in life 

you have to let a person go

The hurt and pain gets too much

When the time comes you’ll know


The decision will pull on your heart

And cause a physical ache

But you can’t live how you are

Yet it’s a difficult decision to make


You think about it constantly

It whirls around in your brain

You end up cutting them out

Before your own thoughts drive you insane


I know I’ll still think of them

They’ll always be a part of me

Maybe the future will be different?

What will be, will be.


It’s been a tough decision

but it’s the right one I know

To save what we do have left

I needed to let you go.

The relationship ‘ball’



Picture our relationship

As a brand new football

Perfectly round like it’s

Never bounced or had a fall.


And then we have an argument

And the first dent appears

Add a couple more for the odd

Trust issues and fears


The ball gets a bit muddy

And it’s showing a little wear

And as time goes by

You notice a tiny tear.


The material on the outside

Is wearing a little thin

But it’s the same old football

Deep down within


But that tiny tear

Is starting to expand

The stitches are getting loose

It’s slowly deflating in my hand.


I try to patch it up

And it works for a little while

But I can’t call it as good as new

For I’d be in denial


Every time you lie to me

It’s like another stitch breaks

When I finally realise the truth

The more my heart aches.


So now I’m left holding

This fragile, tattered ball

Do I keep mending it

Or should I just let it fall?
