Behind closed doors

To the outsiders you’re a lovely man

“He could charm a bird from the tree”

The life and soul of the party

Ask anyone! They’d all agree!


Sometimes the passion overflows

But I know you really love me

My mother tried to warn me off

But it’s love! Why can’t she see?


I sometimes make you angry

I try my hardest to please you

I don’t mean to make you upset

But it seems I somehow do.


It started off with a little shouting

And throwing in some names

It’s a little more complicated now

It also includes mind games


My back against the cold wall

With your hand around my neck

Fear running through me

I feel I’m a nervous wreck


Your eyes bulge with anger

Your lips, a narrow slit

You spit out every word at me

I’m alone in my black pit.


Bruises run along my arms

But they’re covered from prying eyes

He won’t hit me where people can see

Oh no, he’s far too wise!


If I ever think of leaving him

He told me I’d end up dead

No one else would want me

He’s drummed that into my head


“Come outside or I’ll drag you out”

I better do as I am told

“Take off your clothes. Sit on the balcony”

Naked and alone, I’m vulnerable and cold.


Inside I scream for someone to help me

Please take this monster away!

I’m going to die living like this

Or I might just kill him one day!


Theres no point in leaving

Plus I’ve no where else to go

I also don’t want to hear a chorus

of “I told you so!”


So now I look down on my lifeless body

The funeral parlour did well!

She was involved in domestic violence?

Looking at her, you’d never tell………..