The end of an era

I’ve not written anything for a while….I keep meaning to, but y’know, life gets in the way! So here I am, writing something! I decided to talk about my job situation….


I worked in a photo shop within a supermarket. I loved that job! I hated another department I was in so when the job came up in photo I went for it! It was hard at first, so much to learn! And bloody busy! This was about 10 years or so ago, back when things weren’t so digital! Photos mainly came from films. We had about 3 or 4 members of staff each day, and our own manager. And it got so busy at times that we needed someone to work ‘the twilight shift’! (Throughout the night) We had stands with 4 arms attached to hang envelopes with films in to be processed, and then another to hang the processed negatives on, waiting to be printed, and another for the negative that has been printed.

We needed a system, someone serving customers (take films in, sell cameras, help with the digital machines etc) someone to ‘prep’ films (get them ready to go into the processor) and someone printing. Sometimes someone to pack the photos if really busy! It was manic ALL DAY!! We had baskets to hold the films that came in. (Which were always over full!) We had to do them in order of day they were due, and print them in time order so that the ones due later in the day would be printed later on, after the ones due first. We didn’t stop!


Over time, the business decided we didn’t need our own manager and gave us a manager that looked after us and the opticians department. Then business expanded and they decided our manager could also run the clothing department, not just the speciality departments. Over time we felt neglected. I ended up calling us ‘the forgotten corner’. (We were at the end of the store so we were literally in a corner!)

Lots of staff came and went because a supermarket job was a good job whilst studying at uni. Things slowed down. Digital cameras took over. Memory cards were the new thing, not films! (And back then they were a ridiculous amount of money! You’re talking £50-odd for a small memory! The same card would probably cost a couple of pound now!)

During my time on photo I had my 4 children so I took maternity leave, and it seemed things always really changed whilst I was away! Once, I came back and they’d moved photo closer to the entrance of the store and put a pharmacy there in its place! The printer had changed too! And they’d brought in a new printer which printed on canvas and made posters! In true ‘Photo style’, no one was really trained to use the machines properly! It was always a guessing game! Haha! It took me ages to get to grips with the new printers and learn how to make canvas prints!

This was a big step for our little photo shop! We could now offer customers something other than photos from our store, ready for the next day! Our digital machines offered other gifts, but it took 7-10 days for the gifts to come back to store as they were made elsewhere! Customers don’t want to wait so long! It’s a shame we didn’t get offered equipment to make mugs etc in store. Not only would we cut out the other company therefore making more money for ourselves, but the customers wouldn’t have to wait! (Apparently we didn’t make a lot of money!) We knew from first hand experience that people would leave things to the last minute!


Anyway, fast forward to this year, and we are down to 4 members of staff (spread out over the week!) Most days there was only 1 member of staff, who had to leave the photo shop closed when taking a break, or they would have to shut early because no one would be there until closing time! We have a manager that doesn’t care in the slightest about our department, our orders of consumables (ie paper, canvas etc) would never be ordered correctly, or just completely cut! The supermarket would deliberately shut the photo shop if they wanted to use our staff for other reasons…. then to top all that, we got told that the supermarket were selling out the photo shops in every store to a potential buyer.

This ‘TUPE’ process started. We were left in the dark again. Every time we asked what was going on, we were met with a blank face and no answers. We had our 3 ‘1-1’ meetings…..which was a load of crap! I left them none the wiser! Because we were a part of a supermarket, we had 2 options. Stay with the supermarket but in another department, with God knows what hours/days! OR transfer to the new company. It took months for the store to confirm the name of the company taking over! We were all worried as knew nothing about this other company, and the supermarket were telling us zero info, and when we asked about staying within the supermarket we weren’t being offered any vacancies! The closest to it was being told departments that had jobs going, but no hours or days stated! Bloody useless!

Eventually, us photo colleagues got together and spoke about how we felt. All of us agreed we were being treated like crap! I decided to seek advice through different organisations, and my colleague sent off an email to another store complaining about our treatment. WELL……this got the ball rolling! It was discovered our store made a massive mess of the transfer! I think a lot of people who were meant to be dealing with it were in a lot of trouble. We had a 4 hour meeting where we were given all the info we should have had in the first place! By then though, we only had a week until the new company took over. It was a horrible week. Trying to decide on where I wanted to go. Stay with the company that’s made me feel like they totally don’t give a crap about me, or go with an unknown company who could change things as I know! It was scary. I decided to stay with the supermarket. I’ve been with them for 14 years now!

So last weekend was my first weekend on my new department! Because of the way we were treated in the transfer, we were allowed to go to the department of our choice, with the same hours we have, rather than they decide what hours they have! I chose home and leisure! I already know the staff over there, and its non food so I’m happy! (Plus i get to work in the Christmas aisle!!!! Sooo happy!!!)

I’m nearly finished my mega long post! Haha! Thank you for reading this far! I just wanted to tell you what it was like working with the customers in photo. That it wasn’t just manic, or having to deal with horrible customers complaining that we couldn’t give out professional images (being sworn at etc!) I actually loved working over there. I’d go out of my way all the time to help people. I was asked to write down why I thought the photo shop should stay open….although it was pointless because no one really cared, they were going ahead with selling it on, it actually made me think…..

I’ve served elderly men with such sadness in their eyes because they lost their wives. They clutch photos of them together on their wedding day. One spoke to me about how his wife would get him to get the Christmas decorations down from the attic,then she would decorate the tree! It was ‘her thing’. He told me he didn’t want to do it, but decided to do it for her as she would have wanted it. He was lost. Some don’t know how to look after themselves, everyday things like ironing, because their wives did it. Some bring photos in of their old friends from the days they fought together in the war, flew planes together….they tell me how they watched friends die. Some tell me how they kept in contact for 6o odd years! Some women are in similar situations. They’ve lost their husbands. Now they’re making scrap books for their grandchildren to look back on, and remember their grandads etc. I’ve had midwives bring in photos of new babies just being born! Literally still attached to their mummies! New dad’s crying tears of joy! The midwives have such pride on their faces! I’ve seen the other side of life too….people bring in photos of their loved ones in coffins. Sometimes it’s a devastated mother that’s just lost their new born. We have to make sure we say the right things and act in the right way. Lend a shoulder if they need to cry. Stop our own emotions showing through.


We got to know our customers. They’d come in on certain days to see us, or because they wanted a certain member of staff to help them. They’d ask about my children, or were concerned about where I was going to go after photo was taken over. I knew my customers well too. I’d ask how they were, looked forward to seeing certain people! One lady was really ill. I’d hoped to see her before I moved department to see how she was. I didn’t get to see her sadly. I just hope she’s ok! Another customer recently told me he’d been ‘down the yard’ with his elderly friend. He’d told his friend to go and warm up in the office. An hour later he went to check up on him and found him dead. He’d fallen and banged his head. The sadness in his eyes made my heart ache and I thought about him a lot. On my last weekend on photo I managed to see him again and asked his he was. He been unwell and was in shock still about his friend dying. He said he’d been hallucinating etc. He lives alone and often comes into the supermarket. He has photos printed a lot too. I always helped him, and like to think people like him felt we were friendly and helpful. Hopefully the new staff give him the same service. I’d hate to think of him struggling because they won’t help, or not making conversation with him.

It does make me sad. My last shift was really difficult. I worked with 2 colleagues that day and we always had such a laugh together! My shift ended before the other 2, and I was thinking about finishing all day! I hate saying goodbye. I knew I’d still talk to them, and see them, but I also knew I’d never work with them again. I don’t usually like hugging people, they knew this and would often joke about trying to hug me! But on my last shift i gave them a hug! I hope they know I meant that hug, they are great people and I knew I’d miss working with them.  I don’t do ‘getting emotional’ either so after the hug I legged it! I couldn’t get away quick enough! I felt myself getting upset about the whole situation. It was the end of an era. 


Let your hippy out!


When I was younger, I had this weird obsession with hippies! Anyone that looked a bit different intrigued me!

I used to go to our local town on a Saturday morning with my sister and parents, and there was always at least one table on the high street, full of pictures of half bald rabbits and tortured monkeys, with some sort of petition going! The people ‘manning’ those tables were usually ‘hippies’. You know, dreadlocks, piercings, tie-dye clothes etc. I’m not sure what first grabbed my attention, the gruesome photos (I was a weird kid! Actually, that never changed! Haha!) Or the hippies!

I decided that when I ‘grew up’ I’d become a hippie! I’d definitely have piercings! I used to wear this fake ‘ring’ that you’d clip onto the nose/ear/lip etc. It was a must have for me! One day I’d fancy having my ‘nose pierced’ and the next I’d fancy my lip being pierced! I’d just pop on the ring and I was good to go!

My dad would often wear clothing that could be a little ‘hippy-ish’! Tie-dye etc. I liked it! (Although his style would change years later!)

I remember making a friendship bracelet for myself that reminded me of something a hippie would wear, and so I named it my ‘junkie’. My dad was slightly horrified at that, and proceeded to tell me what a junkie was! 😂😂😂

When I was in my teens I decided to get my belly button pierced. No one in my school had it done and I liked that! (Not that I got it done for those reasons!) My sister also decided to get one too! My mum and dad took us out, and my mum went in with my sister whilst my dad came in with me. I remember looking at the piercer, and seeing that he’d stretched his earlobe so that you could see through it! That intrigued me too! Anyway, after a while, my belly button started rejecting the piercing so eventually I had to take the bar out. I was really gutted about this! By this point, it seemed everyone had it done and yet I was literally the only one that didn’t! It almost felt like I’d been kicked out of something I had started! Haha! So then I decided I wanted to get a tattoo, they’re more longer lasting after all! (I did however have 8 piercings at one point which I was pretty pleased about!)

I was 16 when I declared I wanted a tattoo, obviously too young to get one so my mum made me wait! As soon  as I could, I went to a tattooist and chose one right there! A big black tribal tattoo on my lower back! I’m not sure what made me get that one! It’s not exactly something I’d chose now! BUT I don’t regret it! It’s a part of me, and there’s the story behind it…it was fueled by a teenage passion!! Since then I’ve said I’d get another one done….I’m 32 now and still only have that one tattoo! 🙈

I feel like I’m not being ‘true’ to myself! Somewhere along the line, things changed. I stopped thinking about hippies. Life got in the way of me having more tattoo’s. Children and bills came along so paying for things like tat’s became impossible! Birthday money ended up being spent on clothes for myself rather than the tattoo I had planned. I also became more aware of myself. What did others actually think of me? Would I be judged?

I hate this fact. At this point in my life, I really do try and care less about what others think. I need to do things that make me happy and not worry about others opinions. I’ve always felt a little inspired those people that clearly don’t care what others think! Amy Winehouse for example. I wouldn’t personally want her style, but I’m happy that she felt that she could look like that because it was what she wanted! Beehive hairdo!? Why not!? And if you watch ‘The X-Factor’ you’ll have seen the doll lady! (In case you have no idea, a lady that regards herself as a real life doll! Dresses and acts like one!) I love the fact she feels that comfortable with her own image! Good on her! We should all be like that! (Put that dolls dress down!!! I didn’t mean literally!!!) We shouldn’t care what others think! We are all individuals, it’s about time we started acting like it!

I work with a really lovely young lady called Emily. She’s a little ‘kooky’. I like it! She’s not afraid and that’s great! We need to be more like Emily!

We had a conversation about this, about how we suppress ourselves. (Me in particular!) And she came out with “let your hippy out”! She’s right you know! I need to. There’s a hippy in me right now, screaming to get out! I reckon we all suppress ourselves at some point and it’s not good! I’m starting with little steps…..I’m thinking of getting my nose pierced! Eeek!!! (I’m bloody indecisive and VERY good at talking myself out of things….so this may take some time!!) But I do really want to get it done!

Last Friday, the lovely Emily told be she’d made me something…..she handed me a gift and told me she’d made it for me. Well I don’t do ‘touchy-feely’ but I gave her a little hug and a kiss on the cheek! Before I’d even opened it I was extremely thankful and touched that she’d gone out of her way to give me a gift. And she’d also taken the time and trouble to make me it!! How lovely is that!? So I opened it, and it was a little see through glass frame, with the words:

“let your hippy out”

How great is that!? I’ve not decorated my house properly yet but I’ve got plans for my dining room! I shall decorate that room and make it my own little heaven and then I shall hang up Emily’s gift! It’ll fit right in! It’ll be a lovely reminder for me, every time i look at it, to stop suppressing the real me! What an amazing gift to receive! 💕💗  I think we could all learn a lesson from Emily’s wise words…..




Round two of the dreaded baby/toddler group….



Most people learn from mistakes……am I like most people? No!! You’d think after last week’s horror of the baby/toddler group, I’d realise it was a mistake, and vow never to go again! But nooooo!! Not me. I decided to be a good mum, and take my son to it again.

This time I got there a bit later so there was already a crowd of ‘gobbling geese’ sitting there in a circle on the crowded rug. (This already feels awkward to me as I don’t particularly like walking into a crowded room, especially if I don’t know anyone!) I get my son out of the pushchair and thankfully found a seat! When everyone had turned up, the ‘leader’ holding the group wanted to sit down but a goose was in her chair so I offered the goose my seat (because I’m lovely like that! 😋😂 Plus she was holding a small baby and no one else bothered to offer…..selfish bitches! Haha!) So by doing that, I was without a seat and the rug was full! I awkwardly crouched on the outskirts, with my son on the middle of the rug! When the singing began, everyone grabbed their child and again, sang and did all ‘the moves’ like they were competing with each other, whilst I on the other hand, was starting to get pins and needles in both feet, and didn’t even bother pretend to sing along….what was the point!!? My child wasn’t even near me, and like last time, was busy hogging the drum!

After a few songs, my beasty boy decided he wanted to be with me!


I thought!!

“He’s noticed all the other children are singing along with their mummies, and he wants to sing with me!”

WRONG!! He wanted to come over and be a bloody pain in the backside! First of all he decided he wanted to go back onto the rug, meaning two ladies had to move out of the way again to let him back on. Then the beast decided he actually did want to stand with me meaning again, the two ladies had to move out of the way! (All whilst they were both trying to sing along with their own children!) I decided he wasn’t going to go back on the rug, tough luck sunshine!

Instead, he decided to constantly keep trying to run off, or touch the books in the bookcases surrounding us, or climb onto a now empty chair beside us which meant booting the woman who just got off it, in the back! And if that wasn’t bad enough, he did all this whilst using his favourite phrases of “Shhh!!” And “Shut up!!” Uuuugh. The Shame!

This is when sitting on the outskirts did me a favour, because as soon as they sang the last word of the last bloody song, I was straight out of there!!! And I wasn’t held up in a big queue of all the ‘fashionable, must have’ pushchairs belonging to all the ‘yummy mummies’!


So next week I think I may give it a miss…I can be a little crazy, but I’m not bloody stupid!!!



A crying shame…..??


Today I watched a video on Facebook, and it was rather emotional! They had several ‘couples’ of either sisters, husband and wife, brother and sister etc. They had to stand in front of each other and just look at each other, for 4 minutes. Sounds pretty simple! BUT each couple got extremely emotional! Some cried, some could’nt keep eye contact, some reached out for the other persons hand….

Afterwards they spoke briefly about how it felt. One lady who looked at her elderly father said she realised how much he’d aged, and was now thinking that she should take more time for him as you just don’t know how long you have left with some people.

The 2 sisters who looked at each other were very happy! They said they rarely get to see each other and talk and they seemed to really like those 4 minutes of quality time with each other! A rarity!

A mother and son faced each other. It was a little awkward at first, but the son reached out and took both his mothers hands. They then hugged. She said it wasn’t something she often gets to do! When you look at their faces as they embrace it’s clear to see how much that hug meant to them both. They both close their eyes and you can almost feel the love yourself! The mother said she sometimes prays over her son when he sleeps.

A husband and wife look each other in the eyes. It’s also a little awkward. She looks like she has a nervous giggle. The husband says afterwards that he hugged her.It’s been a long time since they last hugged.


Another husband and wife stand opposite each other. She looks at him longingly. He looks elsewhere, visibly uncomfortable with the task. He makes a joke about 4 minutes being too long. I sensed from him that he wasn’t looking away because he couldn’t bear to look his wife in the eye,but I sensed he loved her but was unsure of how to project it to her. Maybe not used to being in that position and showing affection?


It took me about 4 attempts to watch the whole video! It brought a tear to my eye! Emotions can sometimes be like yawns….contagious! I see someone yawn, I’m yawning! I see someone crying, I’m welling up! Why is that!!?? Anyone else the same!? I hate crying. I know it can be good to release those emotions, but to me it shows a weakness in me that I’m not comfortable with. I bottle it up and hide it! I don’t like people thinking I’m weak. I know I shouldn’t feel that way, but I do! So there! I recently got into a situation where it ended up with me getting upset and crying a little. My husband knew, as I was talking to him on the bloody phone! (You try crying whilst sounding ‘normal’ on the phone!) Anyway, he decided for some reason to tell my children. Kids are blabber mouths!!! They’ll tell anyone that’ll listen, all your secrets, so surprise, surprise, my shameful crying secret got revealed!! They told my mum and my sister! It’s not a huge deal I guess. I love them both dearly and know they wouldn’t judge me, but still, I wouldn’t have told them about it myself! Haha! Thanks boys! I’m not sure why I struggle so much with this, or where it stemmed from? But I do insist that if my boys ever want to cry, they should feel free to do so! (Yes, I’m a bloody hypocrite, but at least they don’t know my personal feelings on myself crying so that’s ok!) Men are sometimes so busy playing the macho man, they don’t often show the crying side of themselves. (We know you can cry men, you weren’t made that differently from us women!) I think it sometimes gets drummed into males that crying isn’t the done thing! And sometimes us females get portrayed as always bloody crying!! (We don’t, thank you!)

Anyway, I was going to say about the video, that I think we all need to take a step out of our lives and give those special people we love some quality time. It’s easy to think “I love ……., they know I do!” But sometimes you need to show it! Do they really ‘know it’? Has someone ever made you feel like you’ve slipped to the ‘bottom of the pile’? I know I’ve felt that way before. But then I’ll hold my hands up and say that I probably make them feel that way too.

I find it hard talking about my feelings to people. I’d love to have certain conversations with my dad but I hate confrontation and opening up. I know I’ll probably get emotional  and that alone is enough to make me think ‘no way’!!! I wouldn’t mind writing him a letter though! At least if I do get emotional, he won’t see! Haha!



The thing with baby/toddler groups….

So yesterday I decided I would take my youngest son to ‘baby bounce and rhyme time’ which is held in my local library. A little group of parents and their little ones, where you all sit around singing together and the children get to play with instruments.

I used to take my eldest two when they were younger and they quite liked it, and seeing as I love music so much, I think I’ve passed the gene on and they all seem to really like music!

Well…..I’m always a little dubious of joining in with these type of groups. I’m an odd person! I’m like 2 different people! One side of me absolutely loves having a good old chat, no matter who you are! (Could be a random old man at a bus stop!) BUT the other side of me actually quite dislikes people in general and would happily never mingle with people again! Haha! And in these groups, you get ‘cliques’. The women (yes, men do occasionally join these groups, but generally, and unfortunately it’s usually full of women!) usually group together like a flock of wild turkeys, and sit there ‘gobbling’ away to themselves, completely oblivious to anyone who maybe sitting there alone. And I’ve also made a few observations….. quite a lot of these women are ‘yummy mummies’. Not my opinion! Ooooh hell-nooooo!!! They carry those stupid nappy bags around that states that title on them! (Oh the Shame!! You’d NEVER catch me carrying one!) And often their children are called ‘Thomas’, ‘Lucas’, ‘Jasper’, ‘James’, ‘Isabella’…. you get the idea! You don’t get any called ‘Jack’ or ‘Lexi’ etc! And what is it with this type of woman that seems to have an obsession with Clarke shoes!? You’ll never see darling ‘Sophia’ wearing trainers! Oh no!! Only the latest from Clarkes will do! And they’re all so enthusiastic!! I’m mostly distracted in these groups by watching them singing along to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in their best ‘X-Factor’ style voice, trying to out do each other! Erm, ladies… you do realise they don’t give out certificates for singing at the end don’t you!?

One baby/toddler group I went to was horrendous! I sat there all by myself the whole time, until one woman approached me. She said hello and gave me a business card. I looked at it and realised she was inviting me to join her church! She didn’t want a chat! She was just trying to ‘recruit’! Not my thing…..   And then the whole time I was sitting there, a little girl kept trying to interact with me and my son. And every time she did, her mother would snatch her away from me like I wasn’t good enough to talk to! (The mother was an older mum, tried dressing up like it was a night out, not a baby group! And dressed her young daughter in top brands like Ralph Lauren…no doubt her name was Isabella! Haha!) I didn’t go back after that!


Anyway! Going back to yesterday’s group at the library! I was the second to arrive. Said hello to the other mum there and proceeded to read a book to my son, who was so excited about being ‘released’ from his pushchair, he wasn’t interested in the book and decided to run around instead! So I found myself reading the book to the other parents little girl! aaaawkwaaaard!! I couldn’t exactly stop reading could I!? The little girl was standing there next to me and I could feel the mum staring at me!! Anyway, the other mums turned up and the 2 ladies that were holding the group. Everyone got down onto the rug with their children, so feeling obliged, I did too. (Ooh me back!!! Not comfy!!) Then the singing started. The first song was the bloody theme song from ‘something special’…..if you’re a parent, you’ll know all about this bloomin’ kids programme and that God-damn theme tune!! Ghastly!! Haha! So that led onto everyone introducing the children. And every time a name was said, the whole group would say “helloooo Jacob!!” Etc in that annoying voice everyone does when speaking to children with as much enthusiasm as possible! Then they decided to sing this song whilst passing a bag around. Obviously it landed on us first! (I say us, but actually my son had pretty much disowned me at this point in favour of a toy drum!) So I was like a rabbit in headlights! Erm….what now!? Apparently you have to take something out of the bag, and then we all sing a song relating to that item! Great! I pulled out a crocodile. Had absolutely no idea what the bloody song was so sat there watching the mums go nuts with their children, giving it everything they had. Simon Cowell doesn’t know what he’s missing! I only knew a few of the songs so joined in when I could, not that my son cared! That drum was the best thing since sliced bread and actually, I was showing him up! He has a favourite thing to say at the moment too, learnt from his big brother. That happens to be the word “shhh”! So every time I did try and join in, my own child would tell me to shush!! And that wasn’t embarrassing at all……. *please note the use of sarcasm! So yeah…..really fun! Can’t wait for next week! Hahahaha!!!

Music to my ears!

Soooo………it’s life to me!

Not a day goes by that I don’t listen to it. If I don’t listen to it for a while I find myself either singing or humming!

My taste in music differs a lot! I was brought up hearing my dad play the accordion and listening to folk/Irish music and so I came to love it myself! Brings back memories of our little family holiday to Ireland! The cosy pubs where the atmosphere was electric, as a group of musicians brought the place alive with beating drums and a banjo etc. Everyone gathered around, drinking, smiling and singing along! I love the fact that you can create such an atmosphere with literally just a voice and a guitar! Before that trip, my mums best friend gave me an album she didn’t want. Her boyfriend bought her it and she wasn’t interested! My gain! Haha! It was a band called ‘The Cranberries’. WOW!!! I thought she must’ve been a mad cow for not wanting it! I used to play it on my personal cd player! Yep, you read that right! The days before mp3 players! (OMG….I sound ancient!) They became  one of by favourite bands! (I don’t do favourites, of anything come to think of it! I’m too indecisive!) ‘Linger’ is such a lovely song that I insist, if you’ve never listened to them, that song is a must! I was very lucky and actually got the chance to see them live at a festival once! My younger sister and I managed to get ourselves right at the front too! The only annoying thing about this though, is the fact that being there at that stage at that moment in time, we missed seeing Shane McGowan play! (The lead singer of ‘The Pogues’. If you’ve never heard of them, then I must say I’m very  disappointed in you and I’m now questioning our friendship!) They sing one of my favourite christmas songs, ‘Fairy tale of New York’.

I really love ‘indie/rock’ bands like Hudson Taylor, Kodaline, Travis, Stereophonics etc. Luckily I’ve seen them all play live too! Watching a band you love playing live is amazing! Mostly they’ve been at small venues so not billions of people there apart from The Stereophonics! They played at The O2 both times I saw them which are massive arenas! Such an amazing atmosphere though!


Travis are a band I’ve listened to for about 16 years now, and they disappeared off the scene for several years but made a come back! I went to see them play in London with my sister (she’s my gig buddy!) And I was just so happy I’d finally got the chance to see them! Such a great night!


It would seem that not a lot of people have heard of another favourite band of mine either….’Everything Everything’. I don’t remember how I came to discover these! Possibly from a song list that I found when I had Virgin media? (Pre set lists they chose for you) I like quirky, and this band are just that! They write their own stuff which is a huge thing for me, and the songs are well thought of. (Usually have meanings to them) and the singers voice is so unique! They’re amazing live, I’d love to go back and see them next time they’re in London!

A band I recently discovered (I really don’t understand why not sooner!?) Is called ’21 Pilots’. Oh my…..they’re addictive! After about a week of listening to them constantly, even my children were singing along! The band is made up of a drummer and a singer. The singer has this thing of painting his hands and neck with black paint. He had this alter ego he calls ‘Blurry face’ and that’s the person he turns into when feeling low/depressed and anxious. The black paint represents that. He writes his own stuff too and sings/writes from the heart which I think is amazing.

Don’t get me wrong, I do like a bit of ‘nowadays’ music….but rarely! Lol I find things that are overly popular, a little annoying! Haha! Just people singing sings that other people wrote for them, no personal meaning to the music, the same old beat….blah blah blah!!


I live 10 minutes from my workplace but I always listen to music on my journey! I have this little Ipod my sister brought for me years ago, and it’s literally one of the best things that anyone ever got me! It makes me so happy! Haha! In my home, I listen to music but I’ve always got my ears listening out for the boys, so I have to play it at a level that isn’t all that loud. However, when I’m out and about on my own I blast my little Ipod! (I’ll probably end up deaf by the age of 40! Doh!) You forget the rain pounding down on you, drenching you as you rush home from work, or the gale force winds trying to blow you back home when you’re on your way to work when you’re lost in music!! It’s my little escape! I hate it when I get to work and in my faffing because I’m late, I forget to turn my Ipod off! I finish work, go to listen to music and the horrifying realisation hits me that my battery is dead……Gaaaaaaah!!!!! Especially on a Saturday, the day I do my weekly food shopping after work. Not only does music transport me into musical bliss and make shopping that little more bearable, but it also blocks out the sound of annoying customers asking me where the “pesto” is!!! Uuuuuuuuugh…..they always ask where the stuff is that I never buy, therefore never know where the products are! (I should mention at this point, that I work in a photo shop within a supermarket and shop there after, in my uniform, making people ask me constantly where things are, even though I’m clearly not working, hence me pushing a trolley, headphones in, handbag on….etc!!) God, it gets REALLY annoying being stopped so many times!! I don’t mind helping people, but most of the time these people have no idea on manners, and when you’re being stopped up to 6 times etc, it makes you later getting home! (I’ve been there 8 hours, but please, let me help you all, especially as I’m no longer been l paid to be here!!)

Anyway!! I’ll stop moaning now! I’d love to know what you like listening to! Any recommendations would be great!