My first ever blog!!


Well, I’ve always had an interest in writing, I don’t shut up talking so it only makes sense to be exactly the same when writing! Haha! Even from an early age I would write loads!

In my junior school we would arrive back on a Monday morning, and have to write about our weekend. Well, I had a very active imagination, plus my love of story telling meant my teacher had a lengthy read on his hands! I found one of my old books with my weekend stories in and it was quite an amusing read! That particular teacher (Mr Maslin incase you were wondering!) Was lovely! He always encouraged creativity and I’m grateful for that.

As an adult, I’ve always dreamed of publishing something, I used to think maybe a poem, or article in a magazine but I’ve now realised,I’d absolutely love to be an author! (I point out ‘as an adult’, because until now I’ve never really known exactly what I want to do as a career, Even at the age of 32! Haha!) Anyway, my friend and work colleague told me about her blog. ( go and take a look… won’t regret it!) I thought it was a great idea and decided I should maybe start my own!


I’d like to write something everyday, but I’m not promising anything! I can’t even keep a diary! Life gets busy….dinner won’t cook itself unfortunately! Haha! But I will definitely try to! I wish I did keep a diary! I love reading things I’ve written and reminding myself of the things I’ve been up to/thought about. Oh well, I’m going to use this blog to write down things I’ve thought about, daily stuff I’ve been up to, maybe throw in some opinions on things (I’m very opinionated, soz!) I’d love to hear your thoughts on the things I’ve written! Feel free to share them!

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