Neighbours….everybody needs good neighbours! (Or a sling shot, marbles and a good aim!)

Soooo…..if you knew me, or have me on Facebook, you’d know I like to moan about my neighbours. A LOT! They drive me bloody insane! I grew up being very respective of others. If it’s late, keep the noise down, for example. My neighbours don’t think like that AT ALL! I’ve just had my neighbour hoovering at 11 something pm. PM!!! People are in bed, or trying to write! Then she goes outside and makes a racket in her front garden! I’d never do that! I don’t understand people!

Other neighbours leave their dogs outside all night whilst they go to work so that we all get to listen to the bloody thing yapping away all night! Yay! That’s not annoying at all…. *please note the use of sarcasm.

Then there’s the party people!!! (Whoop there it is, whoop there it is….!!!) sorry I got carried away then…. they like to involve the whole street…how kind!? Apart from the fact we have to enjoy the shit songs and even shitter karaoke from the comfort of our own beds! Erm….not even going to offer the cheeseballs around!? How velly rude!

Oh and then there’s the ones that seem to park outside my house, pretty much everyone! Derek doesn’t fancy dropping off Mavis to her door, oh nooo! Please, park outside my house, then you can continue having a really loud conversation, and when you get out of the car, if you wouldn’t mind slamming the door several times, that would be spiffing!

I had a neighbour that would park directly infront of my house, blocking either the driveway (ok ok ….There’s no drop kerb, but come on, common decency!!) Or even worse, my garden path, meaning if I wanted to leave my property (with my 4 boys, 2 being in a pushchair!) I’d have to go across my lawn just to get out! Words were exchanged…she threatened to send her husband over to ‘have a word with mine’! (Erm love, it’s me that dealing with this, I’m talking to you! Why do you feel the need to involve ‘the men’!? We’re not from the bloody dark ages!) Anyway, she soon got the hint it was bloody annoying and stopped! Luckily!

Then there’s the one that drives VW vans. She likes to pull up outside my house and leave the engine running whilst she moves another car from her drive and then replaces it with the van. You must know how loud those engines are!? And this usually happens after 11pm when I’m lying in bed! ANNOYING!!!

Ooooh don’t even get me started on the dog walkers around here!! “Excuse me, that brown stuff your dog just deposited on the path is poop…..pick it uuuuup!!!” But I must thank the local council for putting up signs, explaining that if your dog fouls, you’ll get a fine if you do not pick it up, that idea has really been successful……NOT! Surely for that to work, they need to be caught leaving it behind!? Yeah, that might work better if you actually have people to catch them in the first place! Duh! I felt like I was forever telling my boys to watch where they were going, I sounded like a broken record player! I had a short walk from my house to the nursery, literally ten minutes down one road, if that! So one day I thought “I’m going to count how many piles of poo there are on that journey!” So like a complete saddo I counted! Haha! 15 piles were counted, FIFTEEN!!! Can you believe that!? No wonder I sounded like a broken record player!

And breathe…..sorry, I do like to moan sometimes!! Haha! They’re not all bad though! I’ve just come to realise that it’s better if I just say the odd “hello” every now and again, but in general keep myself to myself! I don’t fancy mingling with most people….so they’ve got no chance! Haha!!

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